Refund Policy

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Refund Policy

Refund Policy

At Saykar Travels, we strive to provide exceptional service and satisfaction to our customers. Our refund policy is designed to outline the guidelines and procedures for refunds in various situations. If you have any questions or require clarification, please contact our customer support.


Booking and Reservation Refunds

Booking Cancellations: Refunds for booking cancellations are subject to the cancellation policy of the specific service or package. It is your responsibility to review and understand the cancellation policy associated with your booking.

Refund Eligibility: To be eligible for a refund, cancellations must be made within the timeframe specified in the cancellation policy. Refunds may be subject to deductions, including cancellation fees or non-refundable deposits.

Refund Processing: Refunds, when applicable, will be processed through the original payment method used for the booking.


Exceptional Circumstances

Service Disruptions: In the event of unexpected service disruptions or issues caused by Saykar Travels, such as cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances, we will make every effort to provide alternative solutions or issue full refunds.

Payment Errors: If you experience payment errors or are charged incorrectly, please contact our customer support promptly. We will investigate and rectify payment discrepancies to ensure you are refunded the correct amount.


Refund Requests

Submitting a Refund Request: To request a refund, please contact our customer support team with your booking details and the reason for the refund request. We will review your request in accordance with our refund policy.

Refund Decisions: Refund decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. We will assess each request and communicate our decision to you in a timely manner.

Contact Us

If you have questions, concerns, or need assistance with a refund request, please contact us at:


Contact Information


Phone: +91 7218602525 / +91 9850403945

Our commitment is to provide you with a seamless and enjoyable travel experience, and we aim to resolve any refund-related matters efficiently and fairly.